What Not To Feed Your Pet Dog?

Are you harming your furry buddies by feeding them what they ask for?

It’s very hard for pet parents to resist the look of an innocent puppy face that your dog makes while pleading for a treat. As pet parents, you might often want to share your favourite snacks with your dog without knowing the harm such food might cause to your furry buddy. The most appetising foods for us can be absolutely fatal for a dog’s health.

As a responsible pet parent, you need to be aware and careful enough to pay attention to the health and diet of your pet. Although you might be aware of some of the delights that you have barred your pets from eating, some of the items in this list could surprise you.


Image:Photo by Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

For humans, chocolate is a treat, but dogs should not be fed chocolate. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is not suitable for dogs’ health and can lead to significant illness with major difficulty in digestion. Despite the fact that the majority of dogs love it and frequently request chocolate as a reward, dog owners must refrain from offering chocolate to their canine companions.


Even if it is one of the fruits that is nutritious for people, dogs shouldn’t eat avocado. The fruit contains a type of fatty acid called persin. So, having a large proportion of avocados is the worst for your dogs. High fat content of avocado might lead to nausea, vomiting and pancreatitis in your cherished pets as well as some digestive distress.


Alcohol is toxic to dogs even if they consume it in small amounts and can lead to fatal health complications. Dogs are more susceptible to the detrimental effects of alcohol as their internal organs are more delicate than those of humans. So, they must be prohibited from even a modest proportion of alcohol. 

Onions and Garlic:

As a concerned pet owner, you need to be aware of the fact that onions and garlic, as well as other plants of the allium family (leeks, chives), should be kept far from both dogs and cats’ diets in fresh, dried, or powdered form.


Although xylitol is considered harmless to human health, it is known to be life-threatening to a canine’s health. Xylitol is found in peanut butter, ketchup, and other nut butters. If ingested by dogs, even a small trace of xylitol can culminate in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, or liver failure.


Caffeine is widely consumed by people in the varieties of coffee, tea, and other beverages. Prominent caffeine sources include soda, coffee, tea, coffee grounds, and diet pills. Although products with caffeine are mostly consumed by humans, they are not suitable for pets. Such products can be hazardous to their health considering that they are more sensitive to caffeine than humans are.

Salty Snacks:

Salt in moderate proportions is not harmful for dogs’ health, but if salt is consumed in excess quantities, it can lead to salt toxicosis. Excessive salt consumption can also cause fur loss in dogs.

If your dog eats what they should not,

Regardless of how attentive you are, it may be intimidating to invariably monitor what your dog consumes. In case of emergencies, contact the number of your local vet or rush to the nearest emergency veterinarian clinic right away.

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